Super Scales

Drum scales - specialization has a big purpose

In the past things were not very specialized. And if there was specialization it was not a lot. Today there is a high degree of specialization that we encounter. And it is there for a good reason. Thanks to specialization we can get better value for money and we can get more done with less effort.

Take for example a specialized floor scale that is specifically designed to weigh drums and barrels. Although a floor scale would already have improved the efficiency of weighing heavy objects such as drums a lot, the further specialization that a drum scale offers increases it even more. And this increase is enough to justify the investment in a drum scale because it pays for itself quickly enough.

Industrial operations are repetitive and often involve handling of heavy containers. They therefore make it possible to study a process in detail and come up with ways to make it more efficient. Take for example the task of moving a drum on to the platform of a weighing scale. Even a small modification in the profile of the ramp that is provided could make things a little easier. And this would add up to a lot of savings in the long run.

... a specialized floor scale that is specifically designed to weigh drums and barrels.